Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Michael!



最近のお気に入りは、歌うこと~!!! ママに似て歌と踊り好き!!!!!!!

あと、アンパンマンも大好き!!!!! いっつも、アンパンマンと、おかあさんといっしょを見てます! 




So, Michael turned to 2-year-old!!!! :)

Cannot believe how fast time flys.

We had a goooood Bday~!

As I promised myself, I baked his Bday cake :D I will do that all his Bday for him!!!!! :)

Now, he LOVES to sing and dance!!!! He got that from me! Lol

But, we always have fun dancing and singing!!!!

Cannot wait what else he will learn and will be able to do soon :) He grew so much!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Great Singer I have!





Michael LOVES to sing now! I guess he got that from me! lol (not a big surprise! lol)

He can sing 4 different Japanese songs and 1 English song! :D

He is a really good singer! yay!

I just haven't seen any kids who can sing so well before he can speak! lol

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Skype Me!


前にも、もってたんだけど、なんか、新しいバージョンはスカイプ同士で無料のテレビ電話が出来るとのこと!!!!!! 無料って言うのが嬉しいですね?!


So, I downloaded Skype!!!!!
I heard they have new thing that if you both have Skype, you can do the video call for free!!!!
I mean FREE! lol

so, I started! and want to try it out, so email me and I will let you know what is my user-name!!! :D

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


またまた、行って来ましたディズニーランド! 年間パスをかなり有効に使っております!!!


と、言うことで、乗り物はあきらめて、ちびが楽しめる遊びをしました! 初めて海賊の島に上陸しました!ちびは、大はしゃぎ!一人で、走り出して、入れる洞窟すべてに、入ったり、(こっちは、ついていくので、一杯一杯!) 階段はとりあえず、上って、降りて!!!! 橋を見たら、渡るべし!(笑) 本当に、一人で、大冒険を満喫してました!
夜まで、ディズニーを満喫!ファンタズミアを初めて見ました! 3時間前から、場所を陣取っている人がいて、そんなにいいものか?!と、半信半疑だったけど、かなりよかった!!!感動!

We went to Disneyland again! We already got money worth for the year pass!!!!!! yay us!

I just love Disneyland!

Since it was the first day of the summer vacation for kids, there were too many people in the park.... Since waiting for the rides were so long, we decided to do Mikey friendly play day today!

We went to the Pairates Island for the first time. Mieky just LOVED it!

He enjoyed running around the island! :) --even though it was hard for us to catch up with this little runner!

We enjoyed all day!!!! I even had a turkey leg! yay!

and at night we watched a show called Fantasmic!

It was just AMAZING! just loved it! Michael didnt even blink while he was watching the show! It was that GREAT!

I want to watch it again! :) :):):) maybe next week! lol

Saturday, June 12, 2010




腹が立つ! しかも、今日2度も来たし!!!!!!! 




So, I am officially pissed, AGAIN!

I absolutely dislike my neighbor!!! What the heck do they think they are?!

Since it was a beautiful day, I left our window open all day. and this Mr. no ball, who only can complain about baby to the lady next door, came up to me and asked me to shut my window because my son was so loud!

He is a boy! Its his job to be loud and crying!!!!!! You guys moved in after us, they knew we have a little kid, so DEAL or MOVE!

I wish when they have a kid, they would have a nicest neighbor like we have!!!!! and coming and let them know how loud their kid's been!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wish they will move out tomorrow! I don't even see their face anymore!!!!!!!!!!!

Is there any nice people around anymore????

not easy raising kids now a days!

Monday, April 5, 2010

A wild monkey and a beaver


マイケル野ざるがベビーベットから抜け出せるようになって、ジェームスに頼んでベビーベットの底を一番下まで下げてもらったのに、それでも抜け出して。。。。 昼寝はあきらめました!はぁ、これから一日休みなしでちびっ子を追いかけるのかと思うと大変だぁ・・・・。↓↓↓


しかも、軽くかじったんじゃなくて噛みちぎってあるし!!!!! うちの子何も食べさせてないみたい(涙)そんなにひもじかったのかな????(笑)

We got a wild monkey and a beaver!!!!

Mikey now can climb out his crib! James had to lower the bottom all way down! but he still came out of his crib!!!!!

We cannot put him to nap anymore! *tears* (we got to say good buy to our nap-time...)

Even he doesnt take a nap, he was still a wild one! (but he went down so easy though!)

We also found out that he ate part of the crib! He took chunk of the inside of the fence!

I feel like we haven't fed anything to him!!!!! lol

I hope he will stay sleep in the crib tonight! :)

Friday, April 2, 2010



ちびにとっては初めてのディズニーランド!!! 前夜は私のほうがわくわくして眠れませんでした(笑)
春休みということで、かなり人が多くて、駐車場も臨時のバスにのっていくくらい遠かったよ。 しかも、行きのバスの中で、早速帽子嫌いのちびが、帽子を無くしてしまって(涙) 大阪の親戚から誕生祝にいただいたもので、大好きだったのに・・・・。




ちびが昼寝中には、シンディーが休みがてらちびを見ててくれたのでジェームスとマタホーンに乗ってきました!!! 後、2インチ(約4センチ)高ければちびも乗れたんだけど・・・(ちょこっと複雑な気分)


On the 29th of March, Grandma Cindi took us to the Disneyland!!!!!!!!!!

It was Mikey's first time to go to the Disneyland, but I was MORE excited going to the Disneyland than Mikey. lol ( I couldn't sleep well the night before)

Since it was middle of the spring break, the Disneyland was super busy.... :(

Almost all the rides were at least 30 mins of waits.... waiting 30 mins with a year-half old boy was not that easy!!!! especially this Mr. I need to run all the time!

We rode jungle cruise, carrousel, "it's a small world", Roger Rabbit, Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters, and also watched parade! :)

Such a FUN FUN FUN day we had! :)

Michael was a little trooper! He woke up around 0700, and only took on hour nap, but still hyper when we got home at 2200!!!!!!

(too much excitement from the Disneyland! lol)

He waved bye-bye to the Disneyland when we were leaving! :)

His Grandpa Dave bought three big-boy-shirts and two hats (one with goofy ears that I absolutely love!) and Buzz Lightyear gun which is super cool!

He loved his trip to the Disneyland! :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

the beach!

久しぶりの海は、とても楽しかったよ! 海岸に着いたら、思ってたより寒くて・・・。行きたくない!とか思ったけど、ちびは、一人でおおはしゃぎ!

砂浜に着いたら、早速靴を脱がせて、つないでいた手を離したら、すぐさま、海へと一直線!!水はまだまだ冷たいので(ジェームス曰く、この辺の海流はアラスカからの寒流だから常に冷たいんだって) 風も冷たいから、ぬれて風邪を引いたらいけないと思い、海から離れたところに陣取って、砂場遊びを始めました!



Last Monday, we all went to the beach for the first time!

It was more cold at the beach than I expected (since Murrieta was 80F I expected as hot as Murrieta...) but it was still fun day!

Michael loves to run around the beach with his shoes off!

As soon as we let him loose on the beach, he went straight to the water... but it was too cold him, so we didn't let him jump in this time, but instead, we dag holes! yay!

He was such a good helper and dag holes and put the sand on his super TONKA that he got for his Bday from his grandpa and grandma! :)

I love doing new stuffs with my son! :D

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

already year and a half :)

I just cannot believe that he is already 18 months old!
He is getting so big now!!! He is 32' tall. That is more than hald of me! (I'm 5"1') I'm worry taht he will be taller when he turns to 5 years old or so. (gosh hope not)
Mostly, he is so independent now! He plays with his blocks all byhimself and shows me what he made (so proudly too).
We are still working on speaking, but I think he is getting it.....somewhat. ;)