Thursday, September 25, 2008

5 weeks old


Michael is already five weeks old and more awake than before.
He also forcus more and likes looking at pictures on the wall. Unfortunally he is not interested in the mobil on the crib. :(
He also started smile more and make more different faces. Finally he started to look like human baby. lol (that what James said)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

結婚式。 Wedding





11日も、家族で集まる最後の日ということで、サンディエゴまで、夕食を食べに行かなくっちゃ行けなくって。。。 マイケル君、車が好きらしく、ほとんどの間は、静かに寝ててくれます。
Michael had very busy week. He had to go to SD for three days in the low because of auntie Kristen and uncle Eric's wedding.
We were worry about he might start crying during the ceremony. but he was very good. even though he peed on James during the ceremony and cried during the best man's speech.
Everybody loved Michael :) there was huge line to hold little Michael. lol
on the 10th, little Michael had cercumcision. :( the nurse said only one of us can stay with Michael. and I could not stand watch him crying and bleeding... :( it was very hard.
(he is fine now though)
James, Mari and Michael

Sunday, September 7, 2008

3週目! 3 weeks old!

抱き癖も、相変わらずで、日によっては、抱っこされてないと、寝ない日もあります。たいていは、ベットに寝てくれるけどね。 起きてる時間も、ちょこっと長くなってきました! でも、まだ、一緒に遊んだり、できないので、何をしたらいいものか・・・・ 話しかけたり、歌を歌ったりとかするんだけどね。
最近は、夢も見るらしく、寝てるときに、目が動いてたり、寝言を言ってたりします!3週歳の見る夢ってどんなものなんだろう??? 頭の中をちょこっとのぞけたらいいのに!!!

Michael is almost three weeks old! Time flys..... He is growing everyday! :)
He got bad daiper rash, but its getting way better!
He got more facial expressions! although he does not react and change his facial expression yet.
I guess he dreams lately. His eyes move when he is sleeping, and he also talks while he is sleeping. Im wondering what kind of dream the 3 weeks old baby dreams.......
This Wendsday is Kristen's wedding. I hope he will be good boy during the wedding....

Sunday, August 31, 2008

マイケル、誕生! Welcome Michael

8月18日、午前4時20分に、マイケル 昭 ベイリーが、3850gm、52.7cmの、大きさで、無事に生まれました。



早いもので、生まれて、2週間立ちます。 最近、マイケルも、大きくなってきた気がします。顔立ちも、ちょこっとはっきりしてきて、ほかの子と、見分けがつくようになりました。前よりも、ちょこっと起きている時間が長くなった気がします。(夜中だったりすると、早く、寝て欲しいんだけどね)

抱き癖もちょこっとついてきました。寝たかなって思って、ベットに寝かせると、起きて、泣き出したりします。 でも、ベットの中で、起きて、いろいろ見てるのを見ると、ついつい、かまってあげたくなるのです。ジェームスも、仕事で、あんまりかまって上げられないと、時間があるときは、ずっと、抱っこしてます。(お風呂に入れるのは、へたくそなんだけどね。この間、初めてお風呂に入れたとき、背中をどうやって洗うかわからなくて、洗わずに、はいおしまい!って、終わらせようとしたしね!)


Aug. 18th. 4:20 am. Michael Akira Bailey was born. He was 8.6lb and 20 3/4inches long. He is a big boy like his daddy :)

He is such a good boy and does not cry much except when he is hungry.

Its already been 2 weeks since he was born. He sometimes stays awake little bit more. We think he finally figures out who is mammy and daddy.

and he LOVES bath times. He relaxs in the water and enjoys looking at himself on the mirror since we set the baby-bath-tab on the bathroom sink.

Dogs are really excited about the little baby. Kathy has been such a great mama dog. She is on the Michael watch duty and tells me his daiper is dirty. lol

Other dogs are also interested in this little thing who makes a noise and takes all the attention from everybody.

James has been such a good daddy when he has times. He hates going to work and going away from his little one.

We will update when we have more time. :)

Love; James, Mari, and Michael